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School children using a laptop.
21 Jan 2016
Posted by Ramune Petuchovaite, Public Library Innovation Programme Manager
EIFL has released a new video about a mobile library project that takes solar-powered laptop computers and internet to poorly resourced schools to (...)
10 Nov 2015
Posted by Ramune Petuchovaite, Public Library Innovation Programme Manager
In September, EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) team members and representatives of EIFL-PLIP grantee libraries travelled to (...)
Children at Pelči Library (Latvia) celebrate the arrival of new equipment bought with the EIFL prize money - a touch screen computer monitor and a tablet e-book reader.
12 Aug 2015
Posted by Jean Fairbairn, Communications Manager / Website
EIFL Communications Manager Jean Fairbairn celebrates the launch of the eighth EIFL Public Library Innovation Award, with this blog about how the (...)
Public librarians took full advantage of opportunities to network during the EIFL-PLIP post-conference event.
23 Jul 2015
Posted by Ramune Petuchovaite, Public Library Innovation Programme Manager
“It is smart to belong to a good network,” commented one delegate during the AfLIA 2015 post-conference organised by the EIFL Public Library (...)
Librarians are using computers in classes
18 Jun 2015
Posted by Ugne Lipeikaite, Public Library Innovation Programme Impact Manager
“I am proud, because I am empowered and able to offer ICT training to other people,  and I am able to change others through this training.” This (...)
19 May 2015
Posted by Jean Fairbairn, Communications Manager / Website
By Kristian Benic, Rijeka City Library, Croatia ​A small boy walks through the library door at 4pm. He is a fifth-grade student from the local (...)
14 Apr 2015
Posted by Rima Kupryte, Director
The International Literacy Association (ILA) has declared April 14 2015 - that’s today - ‘Leaders for Literacy Day’. To celebrate, the ILA has (...)