EIFL in Mongolia

EIFL supported the Mongolian Libraries Consortium (MLC) from 1999 - 2015, and through this partnership libraries in Mongolia gained access to a wide range of scholarly e-resources.

We supported copyright law reform, including ratification by Mongolia of the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities. As a result, in 2015 Mongolia became the 10th country to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty, marking the halfway point towards entry into force of the global copyright treaty.

In 2010-2011, EIFL supported public libraries in an innovative pilot project in which 21 rural libraries served blind and visually impaired people through a talking books service.



Access to knowledge for millions of people around the world who are (...)
EIFL has renewed its agreement with the Institute of Physics (IOP) (...)
In October 2020, the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print (...)


On 27 June 2013, member states of the World Intellectual Property (...)