EIFL in Slovakia

Slovakia became an EIFL project country in 2009 with the launch of the European Commission (EC) funded OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) project.

EIFL coordinated the project activities in 10 Eastern European countries.The project launched an e-infrastructure, open science policies and created a network of experts to support researchers in meeting the requirements of the EC’s open access policies (which make all research funded by the EC open access). The EIFL Open Access Programme worked in partnership with the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI).



EIFL has signed a three-year agreement with the Microbiology Society (...)
Today, 8th September 2023, the availability of books for Ukrainians (...)
Access to knowledge for millions of people around the world who are (...)


Open Government Partnership Initiative (OGP) provides an (...)
We really didn’t know what to expect from the last WIPO meeting of (...)


Twenty-eight librarians from 17 universities and research (...)
Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager,  will take part in (...)
EIFL Open Access Programme Manager Iryna Kuchma has been invited to (...)