EIFL worked in Poland through the European Commission (EC) funded OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) project.
EIFL coordinated the project activities in 10 Eastern European countries. The project launched an e-infrastructure, open science policies and created a network of experts to support researchers in meeting the requirements of the EC’s open access policies (which make all research funded by the EC open access).
EIFL’s partner in the OpenAIRE project in Poland is the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) at the University of Warsaw.
From 1999 - 2018, EIFL partnered with the Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries. Through this partnership, libraries were provided with access to a range of scholarly e-resources.
EIFL has supported national and institutional open access (OA) awareness raising and advocacy workshops, including the very first OA advocacy initiative organized by a student group in Poland. We supported the launch of the Open Science Library, which provides tools and a platform for publishing OA monographs, as well as the launch of an OA advocacy website and e-learning course. EIFL was instrumental in a review of copyright law, resulting in amendments that bring library services in Poland into the 21st century.
EIFL’s engagement with public libraries has resulted in innovative pilot projects that are helping libraries meet the information needs of their communities.