Digital learning @ Ghana public libraries

EIFL and partners launch project to open up educational and learning opportunities for school children through public libraries in Ghana

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Children in the computer lab at Upper West Regional Library in Ghana.

Computers and the internet have the potential to open up a world of educational and learning opportunities for school children. However, schools in Ghana face challenges in using digital technology: they have limited network connections, unreliable power and low numbers of devices. Some schools have no ICT infrastructure. 

In 2023 the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) with partner organizations launched a two-year project, ‘Digital learning @ Ghana public libraries’. The project builds the capacity of 15 regional and district public libraries that currently have internet connections and computers for public use to train school students aged 12 - 18 in digital and information literacy skills, and to introduce them to free and open online educational resources. 

The training covers the use of different digital devices (computers, tablets, mobile phones) and applications (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint); internet searching; digital reading; online safety; computer coding, and finding and using online educational resources in subjects identified by teachers and learners. The librarians will also visit schools where they will conduct short classes and training sessions with teachers and children. 

The project is supported by the Internet Society Foundation through the Strengthening Communities, Improving Lives and Livelihoods (SCILLS) grants programme.


EIFL’s partners are - 

  • Ghana Library Authority (GhLA), the government agency mandated to establish, equip, maintain, and manage public libraries in Ghana. In all, GhLA manages a network of 115 public libraries across the country.
  • TechSoup, a non-profit international network of non-governmental organizations that provides nonprofits, libraries, and foundations with technology solutions and skills to improve lives.


2023 - 2025


  • Assessing digital skills and learning needs of children and teachers;
  • Organizing national events for stakeholders to raise awareness about the project and the potential of the internet for providing educational opportunities and learning resources for school children;
  • Training librarians and ICT staff from 15 regional and district public libraries to provide digital skills and information literacy training to children;
  • Reaching out to schools and conducting short digital skills and information literacy classes and training sessions with teachers and children;
  • Organizing and facilitating digital learning workshops to introduce children to selected online educational and learning resources, and guide them in the use of these resources;
  • Assessing the impact of the project on school children’s ICT skills and education. 


  • Trained 30 public librarians and ICT coordinators from 15 regional and district public libraries in facilitation skills; how to facilitate digital learning workshops; introduction to online educational resources (OERs); customization of the (OERs) resources for training in libraries; and advanced digital skills like coding; graphic design, and web development. See Ghana training shifts library approaches to digital literacy skills programmes, blog by Ugne Lipeikaite, EIFL-PLIP Impact Manager, June 2024).
  • By the end of 2024 - 
    • the 30 librarians and ICT coordinators had conducted 122 outreach visits in 105 schools, engaging 6,966 students (overall project target – 5,000) in short classes on Microsoft Suite applications, PowerPoint, graphic design and computer coding, digital literacy, online safety, digital reading and more. See Libraries give tech learning a reboot in Ghana, blog by Ugne Lipeikaite, EIFL-PLIP Impact Manager, September 2024)
    • the 15 libraries had organized 22 library-based digital literacy workshops (each workshop comprising four to six learning sessions) helping 804 students (overall target – 1,000) to advance their digital skills and knowledge on the topics covered during short outreach visits to schools. 

The libraries' outreach programmes and other educational activities are to be continued in 2025, helping to bridge the digital divide and expand educational opportunities for young learners across Ghana.


Contact: Ugne Lipeikaite, EIFL-PLIP Impact Manager: ugne @

More about EIFL’s previous work with public libraries in Ghana -