Following the enormous success of the 2016 CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in collaboration with the International Council for Science - Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), hosts the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School in July this year.
The Summer School focuses on growing competence in accessing, analyzing, visualizing, and publishing data. Topics to be covered include: principles and practice of open science; research data management and curation; use computer infrastructures; large scale analysis, statistics, visualisation and modeling techniques; automation and scripting. The Summer School organizers define the ensemble of these skills as ‘Research Data Science’.
EIFL covered the travel costs of two Summer School participants: Lucy Dzandu (Institute for Scientific and Technological Information, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana) and Solomon Mekonnen Tekle (Addis Ababa University Libraries and EIFL Open Access country coordinator in Ethiopia), who are launching open access, open research data and open science training courses at their institutions (read more about EIFL Open Science training here).
Read more about the adoption of an open access policy by Ghana’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research here.