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A group of women learning ICT skills at Nyarushanje Community Library. The class is outdoors, and the learners are in a tented enclosure.
28 Mar 2022
EIFL will be joining Global Giving’s Little by Little Campaign from 4 to 8 April! This is a great opportunity to support our work with community (...)
10 Mar 2022
It is the second week of President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. This is a country we know and love, and it is heartbreaking to see the suffering (...)
Image of cover of the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
02 Mar 2022
EIFL joins more than 40 organizations to endorse the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access, which sets out priority actions required to further (...)
21 Feb 2022
By the end of 2021, over 100 countries had joined the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities, confirming its place as WIPO’s most (...)
Banner saying Open
16 Feb 2022
Last year, the EIFL Open Access Programme set aside funding and invited library consortia in our partner countries to submit proposals to (...)
South African flag
28 Jan 2022
In December 2021, the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry called for public submissions and comments on new, substantive (...)
The award trophy - a brass spiral with a star on top, with EIFL's name
13 Jan 2022
Early in 2020, COVID-19 forced schools across the world to close, with devastating education losses for billions of children. During the lockdowns (...)