In a joint research project, EIFL and IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) examined the impact of national broadband policy implementation on public internet access in libraries, and on public library services, in five countries: Colombia, Kenya, Lithuania, Romania and the Philippines.
The results of the research were presented at the 2020 session of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries (DC-PAL), in a Working Document, ‘Public Access in Libraries: Achievements and Insights from Broadband Policy Implementation’.
The working document includes case studies demonstrating how library-based public access interventions have been implemented in the five countries, and discusses emerging themes and good practices in broadband policy implementation. It is a sequel to research by EIFL and IFLA in 2019 examining and comparing how different national broadband plans and policies envision the role of public libraries in connecting people to the internet. The earlier research, The Role of Libraries in National Broadband Plans and Policies, was presented at the 2019 IGF session of the DC-PAL.