Adisak was nominated by the Electronic Information for Libraries i (...)
Alenka was nominated by the Consortium of Slovene Electronic Collec (...)
Asad was nominated by the Palestinian Library and Information Conso (...)
Babelshafia was nominated by Sudanese Academic Libraries Consortium (...)
Bukurije was nominated by the Association of Electronic Libraries i (...)
Chifundo was nominated by the Malawi Library Information Consortium (...)
Djibril was nominated by the Consortium des Bibliothèques de l' Ens (...)
Donyina was nominated by the Consortium of Academic and Research L (...)
Drake was nominated by the Consortium of Uganda University Librarie (...)
Elena was nominated by the Consortium of Estonian Libraries Network (...)
Getnet was nominated by the Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Re (...)
Gintarė was nominated by the Lithuanian Research Libraries Consort (...)
Gulbakhor was nominated by the EIFL Uzbekistan Consortium to serve (...)
Jagadish was nominated by the Nepal Library and Information Consort (...)
Josiline was nominated by the Zimbabwe University Libraries Consort (...)
Kunhua was nominated by the Library Network of the Chinese Academy (...)
Matseliso was nominated by the Lesotho Library Consortium (LELICO) (...)
Milica was nominated by the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordina (...)
Miodrag was nominated by the Macedonian e-Libraries (MEL) Consortiu (...)
Nana Tuhufo was nominated by the Consortium of Academic and Researc (...)