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Frequently Asked Questions - Public Library Innovation Programme FAQ's

For questions, please contact the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme Manager, Ramune Petuchovaite:

Through the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP), we enable public libraries to develop new services that use digital technology to improve lives in their communities. We do this by building public librarians’ capacity to use digital technology, and to introduce, implement and assess the impact of new services. To encourage replication, we share success stories of public library services that use technology to improve lives in their communities.

In addition, we present Innovation Awards to recognize and reward public library services that use technology to contribute to community development.


There are more than 230,000 public libraries in developing and transition economy countries. Known and trusted in their communities and staffed by skilled librarians, they are uniquely positioned to change lives and build strong communities.

Information and communication technology (ICT) has vastly increased access to knowledge in vital development areas - agriculture, health, employment, poverty reduction, education and many others. However, public libraries in developing and transition economy countries struggle to integrate ICT into their services. Obstacles include poor telecommunications infrastructure; the high cost of hardware and software, and lack of knowledge about technology and the skills to use it.

EIFL-PLIP seeks solutions to these obstacles by supporting development of innovative public library services that use ICT, and by building librarians technology skills so that they can use ICT effectively and teach members of the community to use ICT. Our aim is to ensure that public libraries have the resources and capacity they need to improve lives in their communities.

EIFL PLIP works in all developing and transition economy countries. Click here to see the list of countries where we work. 

Knowledge and information are essential for development. Public libraries are the main – often the only – places where people can go to find knowledge and information.

Today’s public libraries also provide a wide range of other services that contribute to community development. Through innovative services that use information and communication technology (ICT), public libraries are helping job-seekers find work; health workers to heal their patients, farmers to increase their yields; schoolchildren to pass exams, and more.

With ICT, public libraries are a vital link between communities and sources of information and support from government and civil society organizations.

Public libraries provide space and opportunities for people to meet and share knowledge and experiences.

The EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards recognize and reward libraries in developing and transition economy countries that use technology to offer innovative services to improve lives.

We offer awards for services that are current (being implemented at the time of application) and that were started without funding from EIFL-PLIP. The service you are applying for must have a community development theme. The service can target any group or groups of people within your community, or the whole community. 

Read more about the EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards.

Public and community libraries in developing and transition economy countries may enter for an award.

We define a public library as a library that is open to the general public, and which makes all kinds of knowledge and information available. The main source of funding is local/regional/national government.

We define a community library as a library which is primarily supported by community contributions, and which makes all kinds of knowledge and information available to the community

EIFL-PLIP does not provide grants to start new libraries, or for library development.