In the news! EIFL and partners feature in this Myanmar International TV news item about the partnership agreement signing ceremony for the Myanmar Education Research and Learning Portal project (MERAL).
Programme title: Education Promotion: Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremony in Yangon
Publication/media outlet: Myanmar International TV (MITV)
Date broadcast: 23 February 2020
EIFL project/programme: EIFL Open Access Programme
Language of news item: English
View now: Click here to see the MITV news item about the signing ceremony (3 min 53 sec)
EIFL press release: Myanmar to be first country in ASEAN region to launch free and open national research portal
Find out more:
- How EIFL is supporting open access in Myanmar
- The EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project
- EIFL's support for copyright reform in Myanmar