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22 Aug 2022
EIFL has renewed its agreement with William S. Hein & Co. Through this agreement, institutions can subscribe at discounted prices to three (...)
25 Jul 2022
The 2022 EIFL Public Library Innovation Award, with support from the LEGO Foundation, will be awarded to public and community libraries that have (...)
21 Jul 2022
EIFL has signed a renewal agreement with Mathematical Science Publishers (MSP) journals. This agreement provides for free access to 17 peer- (...)
Image of a microphone with computer screen.
01 Jul 2022
At WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR/42) that took place in May 2022, the Committee agreed that the Chair would (...)
The young man, Martin Kakuru, in his store with a computer screen that he has repaired, and a pile of bread rolls he has made.
23 Jun 2022
Single mothers, street vendors, business women, out-of-school and unemployed youth, teachers and health workers in Uganda are using the internet (...)
13 Jun 2022
Open Access (OA) is growing every year. The agreements that EIFL has negotiated with publishers for waived or discounted Article Processing (...)
18 May 2022
We are pleased to announce the publication of our 2021 Annual Report, in which we share our achievements and tell the stories of some of the (...)