This resource provides examples of provisions in national copyright laws that permit the activities set out in the EIFL Draft Law on Copyright (2016) in support of access to knowledge and the public interest mission of libraries.
In addition to the model exceptions in EIFL’s draft law, it also contains examples of provisions in a range of national laws, such as Canada, Chile, Japan, European Union and the United States. It is a work in progress and may be updated from time to time.
The resource was published in 2020, and translated into French in 2022.
Thanks to EIFL’s partner Consortium des Bibliothèques de l’Enseignement Supérieur du Sénégal (COBESS) and the translator, Daouda Ndao, for the French version that was done as part of the project “Contributing to Public Interest Copyright Policy in Senegal and at WIPO: Promoting Access to Knowledge and the Right to Research”.