In less than a year (2011/12), the Youth IT-Yurt service helped 55 young people find jobs, start small businesses or improve their positions at work. Information and communication technology (ICT) training takes place in a yurt, a traditional round tent used by Kazakh nomads. ICT skills are combined with career guidance, job-seeking, writing and media skills and knowledge of Kazakh traditions, culture and language. The service has inspired two local authorities to set up e-learning centres in their areas, and 'Pushkin' Library has been selected to manage roll-out of a major United Nations project to deliver ICT to 17 villages through public libraries.
The service was initiated with support from the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) in November 2011. This two-page case study is based on impact assessment conducted by the library in November 2012.