Copyright and Access to Knowledge in Malawi: EIFL presentation

EIFL presentation from an information session on copyright, libraries and access to knowledge in Malawi

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July 2024

Presentation (in pdf format) by EIFL on copyright, libraries and access to knowledge in Malawi. The presentation starts with copyright basics, such as the purpose of copyright, who gets a copyright, economic and moral rights, and the role of limitations and exceptions in enabling access to protected works (including through libraries).

It examines what libraries in Malawi can do under the Copyright Act (2016). EIFL’s analysis shows that while a good range of uses are allowed, complex conditions restrict the uses especially for digital formats, for example, the making of digital copies for researchers is expressly barred. In addition, implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities is more restrictive than in most other countries, as it requires the library to check if the item is commercially available (anywhere in the world) before an accessible format copy can be made. 

The presentation makes recommendations for amendments to improve the 2016 Copyright Act from a contemporary library practitioner perspective. It recommends consulting the Copyright Act of Nigeria, 2022, one of the most progressive copyright laws in the world with respect to libraries (there's a bonus 10 minute video clip with Dr. Desmond Oriakhogba, University of Western Cape, South Africa outlining how Nigeria's new law can serve as a reference point for other countries in Africa and beyond, see slide 18).

The presentation was given by Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager. The information session on Copyright and Access to Knowledge was organized with EIFL’s partner, the Malawi Library and Information Consortium (MALICO), in cooperation with the Copyright Society of Malawi (COSOMA). The online information session took place on July 3, 2024.